Call Center Survey
Date: Feb 1999
Number of Printed Pages: 152
Number of Tables: 52
Analyst: Henry King
to the usage of call center service is increasing in Taiwan, TechInsight
conducted a research study to realize and analyze the existing
and potential customers of call center service in various industries.
The research study of the call center service is aimed to accomplish
the following objectives: 1. Measure the present usage of call
center service in specific industries in Taiwan. 2. Understand
the call center service demands from existing and potential customers.
3. Examine the factors of call center application which are concerned
by the sampled companies. 4. Develop the appropriate packages
with different functions of call center service for various industries
and companies.
TechInsight finished 90 valid samples among 6 industries: 1. Retail
Banking/Credit Card Issuer; 2. Insurance Companies; 3. Consumer
Products; 4. Technology/Industrial; 5. Transportation; and 6.
Others (Hotel/Distribution/Securities). After 2 months dedication
and hard work, research findings are delivered in this 156 pages