IT Spending Patterns of Taiwan's Top Financial Companies


Leading Global IT Supplier

Project Type

Consulting Project

The Challenge

Our client's target markets were Taiwan's top 50 financial companies, included 3,320 branches. However all market information regarding the financial industry included the smaller segments of 118 companies and 5,568 branches, distorted the client's performance and misled the market positioning for both internal and headquarters. How to come out an accurate market shares and performance evaluation to formulate the correct marketing plan? How to reduce the impact of incorrect interpretation of the target markets?

The Solution

We did a census to interview all the top 50 financial companies, included PRSB, Government banks, Private banks, New banks, and Foreign banks; and excluded those non-target markets, such as Trust/Investment, Insurance, Bond/Securities Finance, Securities Companies, Credit Corporations, Farmer Associations, Fisher Associations. We investigated their IT expenditures in 1995, 1996, and 1997 budget. We analyzed their purchases in Mainframe, Branch Server, PC Server, PC Terminal, Networked PC, Stand Alone PC, Storage, ATM, Application, and Other IT Purchases.

The Result

Our delivery included the complete IT spending patterns and share pictures of 1995, 1996, and 1997 forecast. We told our client what were thought and planned by the top financial companies and their future IT directions, the reasons and considerations. Based on our report, the client co-wark with their headquarters to redevelop their new year marketing plan, proved a big success.

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